I was hoping, if I do a quarterly posting and maybe a judging on a game show. Everyone would leave me to my nachos and 360. No such luck, Hot Wheels (Aka Baldy) meme'ed me.
I am going to steal his next girlfriend. That should teach him. Haw haw.
Anyway,I was working on my fortieth hour on Crackdown to get a ten point achievement(sweet). When the thing breaks down and this weird thing pops out.

"What the hell?" I scream. Great my console just died for the third time. Geeze, I send this thing back more, than Brit goes to court.
While I have a strange object in the middle of my room. I do the most sensible thing.I find a sharp stick and begin to poke it.
"Hey" It shouts and changes form.

"Who the hell are you." I question.
It replies."I am a eye genie. I shall grant you two wishes."
"Two wishes? No more no less..." I ask, the strangle little thing.
"Yup" That's all you get. geneye tells me.
"Ok, chief. I want some payback. Baldy it going to get it this time.I heard that Storm gave him a brand new kitten. Take care of it."
"Like, give a nice home or something..." The geneye ponders.
"How can I put this, no." I, then whisper to it,what I want done.

"Granted". It says. "Wow, you are not a nice guy are you..."
"No." I start to think to myself. what else do I want..."Ok, punk. I want a world where anything cool never breaks down. No TVs, game consoles,laptops or anything like that."
I turn around and see this...
"What the hell." I ask.
"Well, for something to never breakdown. It needs to cost a lot of money. So only the really rich can have nice things." It informs me.
"So the whole planet is now like Brazil?" I query.
"Yup, That is the case." The eyeball thingy says.
"Wild, say do you want to loot the biggest house around?" I inquire.
"Do I?" It says with joy.
Half and hour later. We are heading over to the nearest pawnshop.
I tag Tak and Bennet.
Dental for all.
M.O.D.O.K. sucks.